Afterburn: Science Fiction Short Stories Delivered Weekly

Afterburn delivers short science fiction to your inbox, every week.

Created by author Brandon Cornett, the Afterburn newsletter offers original sci-fi “flash fiction” stories that cover a wide variety of themes and subjects.

Click here to sign up for Afterburn stories

Your $5/month subscription includes the following:

  1. An original science fiction story every week, sent straight to your inbox.
  2. Sci-fi flash fiction (a.k.a., “micro fiction”) that you can read in one sitting.
  3. An ongoing, behind-the-scenes look at a sci-fi book sequel in the making.
  4. Monthly bonus items like writing guides, genre guides, book alerts, etc.

1. An original science fiction story every week.

Sign up for the Afterburn newsletter to receive an original, brand-new science fiction story every week. The newsletter goes out every Thursday. You’ll receive it in your email inbox, just like any other newsletter. The stories are also published online.

2. Flash fiction stories you can read in one sitting.

Also known as “micro fiction,” flash fiction stories typically range from 750 to 1,000 words, compared to the traditional short story range of 1,500 to 7,500 words. You can read them in one sitting—and reread them as often as you like.

Despite its brevity, flash fiction can be thought-provoking and leave a strong emotional impact. These stories often resonate longer after the last word, with an “afterburn” effect.

Due to their compact size, flash fiction stories allow authors to cover a wide range of hyper-specific topics that might not be suitable for a feature-length novel. 

3. A behind-the-scenes look at a sequel in process.

In addition to the Afterburn project, I’m currently writing the sequel to my 2022 sci-fi horror novel, The Mall. I’ll keep you posted on that project as well, with behind-the-scenes updates. It’s a fun way to see how science fiction books get written and published, from start to finish.

4. Monthly bonus items like writing guides and book alerts.

Once per month, I also send out bonus items. These can include writing guides (for all of you aspiring writers), science fiction genre news, reading suggestions, and more.

Here’s How to Subscribe

Subscribe today and you’ll receive all future issues of Afterburn:

  1. Click here to open the subscription portal.
  2. Click the big orange “Get it now” button.
  3. Enter your email address and payment information.
  4. Double-check your email address before you submit it!

It’s that easy. Once you’re on the list, you’ll receive a brand-new, original, and exclusive piece of flash fiction every week.f

New stories go out every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. PST.

Need help? If you have questions about the Afterburn newsletter or how to subscribe, please send me an email at