The Deadlands: Apocalyptic Short Stories, Delivered Weekly

Sign up to receive original apocalyptic fiction every week

The Deadlands subscription details

Do you like short stories that feature zombies, outbreaks, and apocalyptic scenarios?

If so, The Deadlands is for you!

Created by Brandon Cornett (author of The MallThe Holdbacks, and other novels), The Deadlands is a weekly newsletter that delivers original short fiction, straight to your inbox.

Apocalyptic Flash Fiction Delivered Weekly

The Deadlands is an ongoing story series that spans the zombie and post-apocalyptic genres. As a subscriber, you’ll receive brand-new apocalyptic flash fiction every week.

Also known as “micro fiction,” flash fiction stories typically range from 750 to 1,000 words, compared to the traditional short story range of 1,500 to 7,500 words. You can read them in one sitting—and reread them as often as you like.

Despite its brevity, flash fiction can be thought-provoking and leave a strong emotional impact. These “short shorts” often resonate longer after the last word. The best of them can leave a lasting impression on readers.

Zombies, Outbreaks, and Apocalyptic Themes

The Deadlands delivers apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic themes, including zombies, viral outbreaks, invasions, and other extinction-level events.

Due to their compact size, flash fiction stories allow authors to cover a wide range of topics that might not be suitable for a feature-length novel. That’s the beauty of flash.

Each story stands on its own, though it may feature a recurring character or theme contained in another story. This means you can subscribe at any time and get the full benefits, without feeling lost or confused.

Here’s How to Subscribe

Subscribe today and you’ll receive all future issues of The Deadlands:

  1. Click here to open the subscription portal.
  2. Choose your subscription method, either weekly or annual.
  3. Click the “Subscribe Now” button.
  4. Enter your email address and payment information.
  5. Double-check your email address before you submit it!

That’s all there is to it. Once you’re subscribed, you’ll receive a brand-new, original, and exclusive piece of flash fiction every week, created by Brandon Cornett.

New stories go out every Thursday at 1:00 p.m. PST.

Need help? If you have questions about The Deadlands or how to subscribe to the newsletter, please send them to